Administrative Forms

We exist to provide tools for equitable living, through faith and compassion, by providing the community access to nutritious food, clothing, essential life-skills, and employment training.

General Use

This request includes the following areas of: Personal event, Office of the Sr. Pastor, Security Team, Outside organizations, etc…

Pastoral Services

This request includes the following areas of ministry: Bereavement, Counseling, Marriage / Pre-Marriage Enrichment, Health Ministry, Ministerial Services, Prayer Ministry, Visitation Ministry, Baby Dedication, Baptism, Guest Services, Parking Lot & and Support Classes (DivorceCare, GriefShare, Rainbow For All Kids, Celebrate Recovery).

Community Engagement

This request includes the following areas of ministry: Athletics, Business Ministry, Job Readiness / Training, L.I.F.E. Mercy Seed Community Food Pantry, Outreach (Bridging The Gap / Local, Giving Tree, Nursing Home, Prison), and Young Adults Ministry.

Ministry Division

This request includes the following areas of ministry: Men’s Ministry (Noble Warriors), Women’s Ministry (Crowned Jewels), Prophetic Hands Deaf Ministry, Single’s Ministry, New Members (Assimilation, and Orientation), and Christian Education.

Student Ministries

This request includes the following areas of ministry: Nursery (New Begining), Elementary School Ministry (Discovery), Middle School Ministry (Quest), High School Ministry (Xperience), and Youth Events.

Worship & Arts Division

This request includes the following areas of ministry: Choir, Praise Team, Dance and all other movement ministries, Media & AV, and Band / Instrumental Ministries/Departments.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact or call your division administrator/administrative assistant.

We Will Be Live In