Please enter your request for baby dedication using the form below:

Candidate Name

First Name
Last Name

Children’s Water Baptism We offer water baptism to our member’s children, ages 6 through 12. Baptism is the next step in their walk of faith. Water Baptism is a two step process. The first step is the parent(s) and child attends a required baptism class. We teach the reasons and benefits of water baptism. This is done to teach the children the very important step and decision in their pursuit of Christ. The final step is the full submergence in water performed by Pastor Curney or a qualified Elder. Children’s baptism is scheduled quarterly. For more information or to sign up for Children’s Water Baptism please fill out the form online or call the church office at 770-925-8600.

*If the candidate is under the age of 18 yrs. a parent/guardian MUST fill-in the section below. By completing the parent/guardian section you are authorizing this for the above mentioned child to participate.

Parent / Guardian Information


First Name
Last Name


First Name
Last Name
All first contacts are done over the phone. Any subsequent contact can be done by email if needed.

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